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Do I win a toaster?

Since I started wet shaving in January, I've converted two colleagues to it. If they each eventually convert two people, etc., it will be like a little wet shaving pyramid scheme.
Our scheme looks more like..
an Octahedron. It never really culminates into an constant directive effort, but sort of folds upon itself continously.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Sorry, it's a Mobius strip.


Wanting for wisdom
Some mornings I think mobius virus attacked my belt and seatbelt. Happens mostly on hot and humid days when nothing can be adjusted straight and heckers you can't even get your glasses to stay level on your face.
Since I started wet shaving in January, I've converted two colleagues to it. If they each eventually convert two people, etc., it will be like a little wet shaving pyramid scheme.

I wonder if Bernie Madoff ever had the same thought? :biggrin1:

Good work Dave- we need to fight P&G one step at a time!
Good work, have you convinced any of them to become members here?

I'm working on that part. However, if I can never have toast again, my motivation to do so has decreased. :001_smile
If it is this toaster, you won't get any toast, just a lot of backtalk!
It's the same as having no toaster at all!

I have a wife and 4 kids. I've ignored things a lot more annoying than a talking toaster.
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