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Different types of AC blades


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I've tried a few guarded blades and never liked a single one of them. I seem to nick myself far more with a blade that seems to be designed to do just the opposite. I wonder if it might be my technique . . . ;)

I have used Feather, Kai Titan regular and Pink, and also Schick P30 artist club too. I found that Feather are a bit harsh, but after 3 or 4 shaves they seem to break in nicely. The Titan Pinks are decent but certainly not my favorite. The Schicks are beautiful but the cost knocks them down on my list. The best bang for my buck is the Kai Titan regular. They're just the right balance of sharp and durable.

Oh right . . . . almost forgot ("how could I?")
I use a King Cobra typically
I've also tried any of these blades in a SS Razorock Hawk (V3).
Or even sometimes in my SS Mongoose.
The king is by far my favorite.

@never-stop-learning has a really good thread here if you're interested. It really helped me a lot.
Thank you for your kind feedback. :)

Always happy to help. :)

I love Schick Proline but a lot of our local guys recently praise Kai Salon Premium Guard for its smoothness and comfort. Many of them say it is the best AC blade on the market. I haven't tried it yet. It's a lot pricier than Kai Protouch.
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I love Schick Proline but a lot of our local guys recently praise Kai Salon Premium Guard for its smoothness and comfort. Many of them say it is the best AC blade on the market. I haven't tried it yet. It's a lot pricier than Kai Protouch.

Where is a good place to find some of these? Curious about how they would work for me. I don't need a 1,000 from eBay or $17 shipping for a single package.
Where is a good place to find some of these? Curious about how they would work for me. I don't need a 1,000 from eBay or $17 shipping for a single package.
You can get most of the Feather and Kai AC blades in quantities of one or more from RazorBladesClub:
Make sure the blade type says Artist Club.

But they don't have Schick. For Schick Proline, eBay has them, and so do wetshaving suppliers like The Razor Company and Bullgoose. But you'll have to buy a pack.
You can get most of the Feather and Kai AC blades in quantities of one or more from RazorBladesClub:
Make sure the blade type says Artist Club.

But they don't have Schick. For Schick Proline, eBay has them, and so do wetshaving suppliers like The Razor Company and Bullgoose. But you'll have to buy a pack.
Thanks! I have a bunch of the Schick Proline and Feather AC blades so I'm only considering Kai AC blades but, I might throw a Kai injector in there as well for a change from Schick Injectors if I see one.
I prefer the original Kai Captain Blade (from Maggard Razors) and the Kai Captain Titan ProTouch MG in my Ti Vector. Those two are smoother to my face than any of these that I have tried in any of my razors:

Feather Artist Club Pro Guard
Feather Artist Club Soft Guard
Feather Artist Club Pro Super
Feather Artist Club Pro
Kai Captain Titan Mild
Kai Captain Sharpblade
Schick ProLine P-30

I have tried these blades in a variety of safety razors as well as barber razors.
I have manged to get some decent shaves with the Schick P-30 in the Mongoose SS, and the Feather ProGuard in the ATT 2016 SE1 but that is mainly to clear those blades out of my den. I can use the Feather Pro with the Occam's O.R.E.N. but it is not a close shave. I think I will try to use the Feather Pro with the Vector OC plate and see if that will work. I have a lot of Feather Pro blades I inherited but have not found them to be very enjoyable in my razors.
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