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Did I score an Aramis shaving mug?

I just purchased what the seller claims to be a shaving mug...I certainly hope it is. I love the design. I'm trying to give my shave den an "80's avant-garde" look.

Here's a link to the finished auction:

I ask whether this is a shaving mug because a Google search didn't bring up any matches, and the handle looks kinda odd for a shaving mug. But it does have the Aramis logo, so I can't imagine what else it could be.
Usually you can find more, if there aren't anymore maybe this really is a vintage item. I also searched for Aramis stuff and didn't find anything that looked like this....

Looks short too.
Thanks gents. I especially like the colored squares - very cool looking. I guess I'll have to wait 'till it gets here to know for sure!
He managed to get "shaving cream mug" and "coffee" in the title so I doubt the seller has a clue what it is. Cool looking whatever it is.
I had the same reaction."The seller has no idea what it is" Looks cool... in a Ron Burgundy sort of way. Enjoy it!
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