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D01 vs. Silvertip

Please correct me if I'm wrong regarding the difference of Shavemac D01 vs. Silvertip.

D01 is similar to Rooney's Finest in that it has soft tips, but has the resilience and firmness of a boar.

Where as, Silvertip is soft, but not necessarily firm.

is that about right?
I have a Rooney 3/1 Super and a D01 Custom. Honestly, they are both so soft to my face it's hard to tell the difference. The biggest difference for me is the density which leads the increased backbone of the D01. I don't think Bernd and his cadre could have fit 10 more hairs in this brush it's packed so tightly. I use both brushes regularily but would say the Shavemac takes the cake due to the great all around performance.
I agree with SJBFIRE. I have a Rooney 1/1 Super and Shavemac D01. Between the 2, I do not need another brush but that does not mean I do not want to get more brushes.

If you're thinking of a custom Shavemac, either get the D01 or the Finest if you're trying to save money. I don't think the Silvertip is worth the cost and Finest is also a Silvertip grade.

Read Andy's review here:

Shavemac DO1 hair is not at all like the Rooney Finest hair. Completely different feel, look and performance. However, I feel that the DO1 hair is a dead ringer to the Super Heritage hair in the Rooney THREE BAND Heritage brushes. I have owned them all regarding first hand knowledge, and if I were to pick one I don't think I could really pick either the DO1 or the Heritage 3-band over the other. They are both fantastic. I think the better value may be the Shavemac as it costs just a hair less for a relatively equivalent brush sizes.
I can't speak about the 2-band DO1 hair. I'd love to hear some input on that grade. Sounds like that could be more akin to the Rooney Finest as the 3-band DO1 hair is nothing like it. I may have been mistaken assuming the OP was referring to the typical DO1 hair. If so, sorry for jumping the gun.
ambrose has a 2-band D01 brush in the works for him so keep an eye out. I'm sure we'll be seeing comments very, very soon! :w00t:
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