Hi folks, this is my second try for new scales.
I have not got the hang on the pinning, but its way better then before.
The myrtle i won i in newtobengalls great thread, finished them with shellac, and tried to polish with carnuba wax.
That did´nt go so well.
Wedge is a bone i stole from my two dogs.
Now for a walk wtih the dogs and then time to put a bevel on this baby!
I have not got the hang on the pinning, but its way better then before.
The myrtle i won i in newtobengalls great thread, finished them with shellac, and tried to polish with carnuba wax.
That did´nt go so well.
Wedge is a bone i stole from my two dogs.
Now for a walk wtih the dogs and then time to put a bevel on this baby!