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Custom Brushes-Etsy.com


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There are 96 items there, can you narrow down what you want opinions on?

if its this one, I say go for it :001_tt1:


  • $image.jpg
    40.9 KB · Views: 94
There are 96 items there, can you narrow down what you want opinions on?

if its this one, I say go for it :001_tt1:

Just threw it out there for fun and wondered if anyone has ever ordered any off Etsy. Some of those look sweet for a good price.



System Generated
Most are just vintage handles or DIY turned handles with generic knots for $100+

If you can find a Rooney or Simpson for cheap, I say go for it. As for the rest, some would make decent project brushes but I have never really been tempted to purchase any.


System Generated
Too many brush makers on here that have proven track records and we know what knots they are using.

Or get one of the B&B guys to turn a handle and stuff a TGN or WD knot in yourself to add a bit of your own personal touch.
Too many brush makers on here that have proven track records and we know what knots they are using.

Or get one of the B&B guys to turn a handle and stuff a TGN or WD knot in yourself to add a bit of your own personal touch.

Roger that!
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