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Creed Soap

Well, I've scored a Creed Vetiver puck, and I have to say that I really enjoy it. Apparently, I don't have to have a really thick creamy lather (like you get with Tabac) because I find this to be a little bit thin. I do enjoy it, and my face feels great as well... :thumbup1:
I would love to get some Creed GIT shave soap...if Azmark's girlfriend didn't take his I WOULD have some

She has let me use it since she found out that she likes SMN more. But don't tell my wife she'll get mad:blushing:

So your wife is gonna get mad that your girlfriend is letting you use your Creed GIT shave soap or she's gonna be mad cause your girlfriend found out she likes your SMN more:001_huh::lol:
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