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Could someone lap a hone for me?

I have a small hone. It's marked "Standard Jr".
I just picked it up at a junk store & was wondering if someone could lap it or if it's worth the trouble. I have nothing (that I know of) to lap it with & can't see purchasing a DMT just for this.


It looks like a lot of wear and tear and time on a dmt to get it flat. Buy some wet/dry 200 and give it a go on a piece of glass.
yep 400 grit sandpaper or DMT325 (also works to lap ANY other stone) works fine for lapping...keep in mind that is a "touch up" stone only..you COULD use it to set a new edge on your razor(s)..but it will take a awhile...
4 bucks for a piece of flat marble from home depot and another 3 or 4 bucks for the sandpaper. You'll spend nearly that much shipping it such that it doesn't get damaged.


yes sand paper will make a quick and nice job. there are videos on the youtube ilustrating..
Lapping a stone is really easy. Just use a pencil to draw a cross-hatch pattern across the stone and do some figure-8's (on sandpaper as suggested above) until all the pencil marks are gone. Piece of cake!
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I'm glad to do it if you want. As stated above, after shipping its cheaper to do yourself. PM me if you want me to do it though.
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