I can't speak for the Alcolado Glacial as I've never tried it, however for me the Osage Rub is not as cold as Master Blue, plus the Master Blue has a MUCH better aroma than Osage Rub. A bit similar to Aqua Velva Ice Blue but much better, I am a ho, I mean, IMHO.
TSD Subzero and the upcoming Krampert's Frostbite both put me out of commission for a good 5 minutes because my eyes are watering so bad. It hurts, but I love it.
Any aftershave you want! Dissolve menthol crystals in glycerin and add it to your aftershave of choice. Both ingredients are widely available and inexpensive. That is how the vendors make mentholated aftershaves. You can make the aftershave as potent as you can stand. The first time I kicked up Skin Bracer with a teaspoon and a half or so of crystals. I also had the 5 minute cry baby experience.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiBewAh4XsQ