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Conway Stewart Customer Service is abysmal

I have a few vintage Conways which I dearly love. The new production models, STAY AWAY from.

3 months and still not back from the factory. Communication from representatives is non existent.

The price paid for "Britians finest luxury pen" is high and you would expect much more.

Although you thought you would never hear this from me.... I would rather have 10 TWSBI's. At least Speedy stands behind his product.

Stay away from Conway Stewart, after the purchase you are on your own.

At DC I shall make my feelings well known.
..<snip>... I would rather have 10 TWSBI's. ...<snip>...

Never thought I would hear you utter those magic words Brian.

Sorry to hear you are having a rotten time with Conway Stewart, for what it is worth, the customer service at TWSBI is fantastic.
If Brian wasn't a mod, I'd definitely be recommending him for a custom title! " I would rather have 10 TWSBIs" :001_tt2:
After sales should match the TLC put into the sales and marketing, that's for sure!
Sorry to hear your bad experience.
Some nice looking pens and prices to match. I hope things get better with your issues, maybe an angry phone call is in order?

I always hate when a $20 product has better customer service support than a $100+ product. I like the fact people both praise and support companies on this site. I hate being on forums and all the posts are complaints on how bad a company is and never any on how well a company is. It's like people want to keep it a secret so no one else can experience the good.
What went on with your pen Brian, between you and Isaac having his horrible experience I think its fair to say that kind of money from me would be better spent elsewhere

Sorry to read about your experience. Have you tried to work your issue through Mary B? I saw on FPN that she appears to be proactive.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Out of curiosity what types of problems are you experiencing? It looked as if Vlad had a cracking issue.

Sorry to read about your experience. Have you tried to work your issue through Mary B? I saw on FPN that she appears to be proactive.

I thought about posting over at FPN and then I read this stick in the Conway Stewart forum

We are requesting the members of FPN to recognize this forum as a 'friendly environment'. It is important for new members to feel welcome, eliminate any feelings of intimidation when posting messages and of course to encourage guests to be active in our forums.

I am currently serving as monitor on the CS forum and do not feel it necessary to censor all negative remarks about CS pens. FPN has a very large audience and is a non-commercial site, not governed by sponsors. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but if the message is an obvious attempt at brand bashing, it will likely be invisibled.

Should you have a personal grievance concerning the working of a modern Conway Stewart pen, please contact me by email [email protected]. Snide comments and troll type brand bashing do not do this forum any justice, and definitely does not encourage other people to start collecting fountain pens.

She is the Moderator of the forum and probably the quickest way to get banned.

She does not answer emails.... Conway refers you to her. The last contact I had was July 3rd when she sent a email telling me the factory had recieved the pen. Since then it has been crickets, no response to the 3 emails I have sent her.

I am seriously considering making up a large button to wear at the DC pen show. "Please ask me about my Conway Stewart pen and their less then acceptable service"
Since she is a moderator, maybe you could word something in a nice enough way as not to bash, but question their customer service? Or post it in a general section? I know I appreciate you bringing it to our attention and I would think FPN'rs would as well.
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