A new contest with a fun idea: Tell us an April Fools prank that you have either heard about, have done to someone else, or had done to you. There will be three winners chosen and each one will receive a $50.00 credit to shop in our store right here! This is CONUS only please.
For grins I thought I would share one that I came up with but was never sprung.
We had an amazing employee who is a high school student. She actually ran Captain's Choice for over two weeks while we were out of the country. Yes, seriously. She had to stop working for us due to school obligations, college visits, etc. With her graduation approaching I ran this idea past the principal. He was all for it and couldn't wait to do his part.
The deal is that I would write a letter that the principal would then transfer onto his letterhead. Then it would be mailed to her home from the high school - it would come from his office. The essence of the letter would be that during a routine audit of the academic standards it was revealed that some of the teachers that this student has had were not certified to teach. There were two in her grade school and two in her middle school. Because of that and to maintain the well deserved reputation that the school system is known for it would be necessary for her to repeat those four years of school.
So she would need to return and sit through second grade and fourth grade in her old grade school. Then she would need to go to her middle school and sit through sixth and eighth grade again. Only then would she be able to graduate from high school. At the end of the letter it would mention that, of course, she would be able to continue working for Captain's Choice during this time. After all, it was The Captain that wrote this letter.
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