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Contest for some soap

I'll play, I'm always open to trying some different soaps. I think you get ticked off when you see something labeled yak cheese because when you were a child growing up in the Himilayans, your family had a pet yak named, in Nepalese, Cheese. Cheese died in the famous 1994 Nepal tragedy, the great cheese slide when the government-owned cheese factory in Nepal collapsed, sending tons of curds down the mountainside into your village. You were the only survivor of the great cheese slide. Now when you see yak cheese you're reminded of the painful loss of your family & your pet, Cheese.

I still have nightmares.
The "yak" is always a male. More specifically:
The English word "yak" is a loan originating from Tibetan: གཡག་, Wylie: g.yag. In Tibetan and Balti it refers only to the male of the species, the female being called Tibetan: འབྲི་, Wylie: 'bri, or g.nag Tibetan: གནག in Tibetan and Tibetan: ཧཡག་མོ་, Wylie: hYag-moin Balti. In English, as in most other languages that have borrowed the word, "yak" is usually used for both sexes, with "bull" or "cow" referring to each sex separately.
Congrats, @Rrose Sélavy, and great PIF, @babydials!!

I think I just learned something I didn't want to know!! I'm no longer interested in yak cheese!!
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