Ok I'm on about shave 4 with a straight razor and one thing I am noticing is that the more careful I am the worse my shave is. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I am zipping through but if I go too slowly the likleyhood of slipping and cutting myself is much much much higher. I am also noticing that I don't want that nice pretty looking creamy shaving cream but something that is much wetter and thinner. The thick stuff is drying out and not lubricating to the level that I need it. I discovered cold shaving with the de's but I'm scared to attempt that with a straight. Against the grain is still my worst area, especially on the jawline. I have a super thick beard. On top of that I heard geofatboy say on youtube that you only had to strop once every 10 or so shaves... does anyone agree with this? Thanks.