So I started with this wetshaving thing about a month ago, and after 1 or 2 "getting to know you" attempts, quickly hit my stride. My shaves were leagues above what I'd been used to with the disposable and can routine, and I found myself, as I've read others have, secretly--almost furtively--stroking my baby soft cheeks at times throughout the day.
Then, I hit my first learning curve/bump, and my shaves stopped getting better each day. Mostly they stayed about the same--lots better than the old days--and once in a while they actually were worse. My Vision would produce the odd nick--which I NEVER got with the old drugstore razors--and I also developed some razor rash. Thankfully, the rash was quickly stared down with the help of my ever-growing legion of lotions, potions and elixirs, but the cuts were more problematic. One--under my nose--was pretty bad, and looked like I'd been bit in a strange place by a very tiny dog. Embarrassing. . .
Well, here's the confession. Though I've been getting better with the Vision, its probably too much razor for me at this point in my learning process--although I'm determined to hang in there and master this machine, because I can tell that it is a great razor and shows glimpses of what's possible. I'd also stubbornly put away the M3, reasoning that I needed to use the Vision everyday if I hoped to improve my technique.
This morning, in a last-ditch attempt to get a really close shave, and after reading dozens of posts on technique, here's what I did:
lathered up with Coates Tea Tree cream
using a 2 day old blade, slowly and carefully used very short strokes with the Vision, first pass N-S, relathered, 2nd pass E-W/W-E
relathered, did a run around the upper/lower lip and chin with my old M3, and then a M3 touch up pass in any areas that still felt stubbly
warm water rinse in the shower
cold water rinse in the sink
Thayers Witch Hazel toner in lavender
Prorasso pre-post as an A/S
Well. . .it worked. Simply, almost magically, all of my "problem" spots were much smoother. I did feel a touch of razor rash from so many passes, but the Thayers/Prorasso took most of the sting away immediately, leaving just a touch of minty freshness.
So here's my question--why do I feel a tad of Catholic guilt for needing to use the M3 to get a better shave than I could get with the Vision alone? Isn't it about getting a great shave, not the equipment? I know I couldn't get this close a shave with the M3 alone, but it seems to have a place as a safe tool for a fast, aggressive touch up pass to clean up any loose ends.
But I still feel like I'm cheating. . .yikes.
Then, I hit my first learning curve/bump, and my shaves stopped getting better each day. Mostly they stayed about the same--lots better than the old days--and once in a while they actually were worse. My Vision would produce the odd nick--which I NEVER got with the old drugstore razors--and I also developed some razor rash. Thankfully, the rash was quickly stared down with the help of my ever-growing legion of lotions, potions and elixirs, but the cuts were more problematic. One--under my nose--was pretty bad, and looked like I'd been bit in a strange place by a very tiny dog. Embarrassing. . .
Well, here's the confession. Though I've been getting better with the Vision, its probably too much razor for me at this point in my learning process--although I'm determined to hang in there and master this machine, because I can tell that it is a great razor and shows glimpses of what's possible. I'd also stubbornly put away the M3, reasoning that I needed to use the Vision everyday if I hoped to improve my technique.
This morning, in a last-ditch attempt to get a really close shave, and after reading dozens of posts on technique, here's what I did:
lathered up with Coates Tea Tree cream
using a 2 day old blade, slowly and carefully used very short strokes with the Vision, first pass N-S, relathered, 2nd pass E-W/W-E
relathered, did a run around the upper/lower lip and chin with my old M3, and then a M3 touch up pass in any areas that still felt stubbly
warm water rinse in the shower
cold water rinse in the sink
Thayers Witch Hazel toner in lavender
Prorasso pre-post as an A/S
Well. . .it worked. Simply, almost magically, all of my "problem" spots were much smoother. I did feel a touch of razor rash from so many passes, but the Thayers/Prorasso took most of the sting away immediately, leaving just a touch of minty freshness.
So here's my question--why do I feel a tad of Catholic guilt for needing to use the M3 to get a better shave than I could get with the Vision alone? Isn't it about getting a great shave, not the equipment? I know I couldn't get this close a shave with the M3 alone, but it seems to have a place as a safe tool for a fast, aggressive touch up pass to clean up any loose ends.
But I still feel like I'm cheating. . .yikes.