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Concocting Witch Hazel

I like the following things. Has anyone had luck putting together a custom AS using them?

Witch Hazel
Lime EO

and...perhaps a bit of glycerin or other ingredient as a moisturizer?
I mix walgreens aloe vera cooling gel in with my witch hazel for that nice cooling sensation.....
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This is just a rough estimate i never carefully measured it but this seems to work really well especially if you got a bit of razor burn

40% Dickinsons Witch Hazel
25% Thayer Super HAzel
25% Aubrey Organics Pure Aloe liquid
10% Desert Essence Kinder to your skin water soluble tea tree oil
few drops of glycerin
Here's an aftershave mix that has worked pretty well:

2t any Clubman aftershave
1/4t witch hazel
4-5 drops of glycerin

I can definitely feel the difference the witch hazel & glycerin makes. Not quite as good as my Shave Den samples but a heck of a lot better than plain Clubman.
I found this recipe on the net. Figured I'll give it a try:


•Place 2 cups of Witch Hazel in the glass bottle.
•Add the mint, rosemary, cinnamon stick, and orange peel to the bottle.
•Add a few drops of the tincture of benzoin.
•Cover the bottle tightly with the lid.
•Store the mixture in a cool, dark place (a cabinet or closet or in a paper bag).
•Shake the bottle every other day for the next two weeks.
•Use after two weeks.
Don't put alcohol in it. The kind of alcohol they use in aftershaves is NOT the same thing you have in your medicine cabinet or that's readily available to you at Walgreens.

I mix witch hazel with aloe vera gel and add some glycerin and some essential oils. Works great. No burn and no cooling, though. Perhaps the cooling aloe vera gel (as somebody else mentioned above) would be a good idea.
Don't put alcohol in it. The kind of alcohol they use in aftershaves is NOT the same thing you have in your medicine cabinet or that's readily available to you at Walgreens.

I mix witch hazel with aloe vera gel and add some glycerin and some essential oils. Works great. No burn and no cooling, though. Perhaps the cooling aloe vera gel (as somebody else mentioned above) would be a good idea.

Witch hazel is 14% alcohol, so there's no need to add any more to the custom mixes.
Don't put alcohol in it. The kind of alcohol they use in aftershaves is NOT the same thing you have in your medicine cabinet or that's readily available to you at Walgreens.

+1. You have to go to your liquor cabinet and get the grain alcohol or vodka.
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