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Coin at the bottom of the brush handle

I've noticed that some artisan or custom brushes have a coin at the base of the brush. Is it on a specific purpose or does it mean something special?
I know people who when reknotting old brushes that are hollow and lightweight they load them with coins to increase the weight :)
I got one for my cousin as a holiday present this year from John Turner, and he offers a Commemorative line with a coin in the base, so I decided to go with that and asked him to put in a year that was very significant in my cousin's life. As far as I know the coin serves no purpose other than a decoration, and a beautiful one it is, indeed. I'm really happy with how it looks, and I hope my cousin is too, come holiday time.

well - in the case of the queens jubilee -

1. the coin tells the year brush was made
2. the coin is directly related to name of brush
3. added bottom weight of handle

so i would say the coin is not purely decorative but tells a story.

@ Badger Bill: that john turner brush is extremely beautiful!
I got one for my cousin as a holiday present this year from John Turner, and he offers a Commemorative line with a coin in the base, so I decided to go with that and asked him to put in a year that was very significant in my cousin's life. As far as I know the coin serves no purpose other than a decoration, and a beautiful one it is, indeed. I'm really happy with how it looks, and I hope my cousin is too, come holiday time.

View attachment 393171

That's a very classy/beautiful brush.
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