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Cleanly shaven or hairless?

Seems like all the DE-converts enjoy shaving experience (even calling it a zen-like ritual), including myself.

So if you had a choice,
would you prefer to be cleanly shaven everyday at the cost of waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual everyday,

or would you prefer to be almost or completely hairless (just face lol) so you don't have to worry about it and look clean all day everyday?

At one point in my life, I considered getting my facial hair removed with laser because of how scruffy I looked when I wasn't cleanly shaven. With cartridge and electric razor shaving, there definitely was only so much I could do.

Now that I've converted to DE shaving, I want to say that I really enjoy shaving everyday, and I actually like having facial hairs, so much so that I think it feels like a privilege. People with little or no hair cannot really enjoy shaving because there's really nothing they need to cut, one or two hand strokes and they will be done.

I would like to hold on to my man-card for as long as possible. Shaving with DE razor, whipping up lather every morning feels so manly!

Share your thoughts!:thumbup:
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I would never choose to be hairless on my face. I enjoy being able to use it to complement my style (at times) to change my look just to have a change of pace from time to time. I enjoy shaving way too much and the thought of laser treatments would not be for me... not now not ever.


Claudel Xerxes

Staff member
I don't shave because I have to. I shave because I enjoy shaving. I had a beard for years when I didn't like shaving. To each his own, but I would never want to be hairless just for the appearance of it. Just as much as I enjoy feeling my face after a BBS shave, I also enjoy feeling scruff on my face. It lets me know that it's time to shave again. :001_smile
Best of both worlds... I shave in the evening.

My BBS is more DFS by work start the next day but I'm at my prime when it counts the most for me... Evenings with the wife.
I choose shaving. I spend less time thinking about it in a worrisome way and lots more thinking about it happily. It's less about the end result. Personal fulfilment or zen is in the process. Enjoy your manliness!
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I enjoy traditional wet shaving, and if there were a single laser treatment that would eliminate all my whiskers, I believe I would pass on it, and continue my enjoyable experience.
I think my choice changes from day to day. I already get up about 15 mins early in order to keep from rushing thru my shave, so time is not really the issue. But there are certainly days if I was asked this question when my alarm goes off at 3:15 that I would easily choose the permanent removal.
I never liked the idea of laser hair removal, even when my wife insisted after her successful treatment (legs and so). I like to have some sort of facial hair, style which changes from time to time. And now that I've discovered SR shaving, I would rather wake up even one hour earlier to have my morning ablutions.
I've worn a beard and mustache since I could grow one. A my natural beard grows from just below my eye sockets to my chest hair, I've always shaped my beard by shaving my neck and cheek area. As a young man, I worked outside quite a bit during the winter months and enjoyed a lot of outdoor sports. I appreciated the extra insulation power of a full beard.

As I got older and my work took me to to more places where grooming was more important, I moved away from the "Grizzly Adams" and trimmed and shaved more. Once I switched back to DE's six years ago, my "shaping" became an everyday experience and my beard grew smaller and smaller. Today it's a small, neatly trimmed goatee.

Shaving is a quiet, meditative time for me. It is my male ritual. When I think of it, I think of my grandfathers shaving at the bathroom sink and the scent of the aftershave of men at summer cookouts.

I am up early in the morning, so the time used in wet shaving isn't biting in to my sleep either way.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Staff member
I do enjoy changing it up when I feel like it. Growing a beard, a stache.

But if someone said "take this pill and you wont grow hair on your face anymore"....give me the pill.
Not having to shave my face would give me more time to manage this thick head of hair I have! ;) Heck I can spend an hour just trying to line up my side burns.
Interesting question. Just over one year ago, I would have said hairless to save me from the drudgery of shaving with a cartridge and canned foam.
Following a prolonged period of ill health my perspective has changed somewhat. While I still experience difficulties, I now have the mindset that I want to be as healthy as possible, take pride in my appearance and increase my overall sense of positive wellbeing. My shaving routine is an integral part of that.

I am now spending time thinking about what I am doing and perfecting my technique. I am ordering shaving soaps from America and bemoaning the fact that I can't try the associated aftershaves because their alcohol content means that I can't get them shipped over to Ireland. Best of all I am entering into discussions like this with like minded people and loving every minute of it!
DE shaving has also changed my way of thinking regarding facial hair growth and shaving in general. I've never grown a beard; I think the longest I've gone without shaving (once my beard growth kicked into high gear) was 5 or 6 days, and this is back when I used cartridges and hated shaving. I used to think of my heavy beard growth as somewhat of a curse, but now I view it as something of a blessing. It's masculine and there's also something masculine and gentlemanly about having a great shave in the morning to start off the day. Makes me feel good, refreshed and ready to go. For these reasons, I would stick with waking up 30 extra minutes daily (or, shave the night before when I have those early 4 A.M. work shifts).
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