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Cleaning blade edge before shave

I take the razor out of the box and shave. Then I rinse it, dry it on a towel and strop on leather. Then I give it a wipe with a Ballistol soaked cloth and put back in the box for next time.

I don't feel any need for sterilizing. Although there is some mention of Ballistol having disinfectant properties, I don't see it as a sterilizing agent.

I do feel a need to avoid rust, therefore the Ballistol.

And the reason for the above sequence is to ensure the Ballistol does not get on the leather. The shave removes the Ballistol, the leather repairs the damage done by the shave, and then the Ballistol protects the razor from the bathroom humidity as long as it waits for its turn again
After shaving I rinse the blade with hot tap water, wipe it down to remove any remaining soap, and floss the scales. Next time I use the razor I strop on balsa with diamond paste, wipe off the blade, strop on leather, rinse in hot tap water to warm the blade, and shave.

Dry, clean steel doesn't provide much of a home to microbes.
I alway’s strop before and after my shave, what I do before stroping is to rub my hand on my leather strop so really I just make sure that I wash my hand before I shave and after so I won’t contaminate my strop and my straight. The only time that I will wipe my blade whit alcool is if I cut myself(just a prévention to spread bacteria or else).
Dont know how many times i have used a disposable razor over and over, until it starts tugging atleast. Alot of gunk that builds up, got no skin infection of that so i doubt i will get it from my straight, as just washing under running water and wipe it off on a towel leaves the straight clean.
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