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Clean Up Razor/Top of Cartridge

Is there a razor similar to top/back of a cartridge razor, the little clean up bar. Use that feature on my old cartridge razor for under nose (hard area to get to) and thinning out sideburns. If yes would like info, if no seems like may be a good idea....


Check Out Chick
Staff member
There used to be some cartridge razors years ago that had a blade on the back or top of the cartridge for the purpose of trimming. Calling @Sabre who might remember.
That's what I'm wondering about, a stand alone trimmer like the one that's on the back top of a cartridge.
im almost certain that the leaf razor could be bought as a package where you got the main razor and a trimming razor ? may be wrong though. yes as i thought at 13.30 in this clip they called it the twig .
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Demoted To Moderator
Staff member
The Blakland Vector, which takes Feather Artist Club blades and similar, is excellent for trimming. Bit of a big investment if you're just to use it for that, however.

One nice thing about using the Vector is that no touch-up razor is needed. ;)

Is there a razor similar to top/back of a cartridge razor, the little clean up bar. Use that feature on my old cartridge razor for under nose (hard area to get to) and thinning out sideburns. If yes would like info, if no seems like may be a good idea....
Kind of? I find razors with smaller heads like injectors great for that. I don't know of any razors that incorporate a small blade for trimming.

When I do need a touch-up razor, my old and well used Schick Type E works great! :)
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