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Christmas wrapping


I love to spin some music and wrap up a storm!
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When the kids were small, I hated wrapping gifts. I would usually be up at 3:00 a.m. the morning of Christmas wrapping their gifts. Now I don't mind wrapping gifts. Go figure?
Jim - that is a very good album. Also, I do like wrapping gifts, mostly the ones for my wife and kids. Beyond that its not as much fun.
I don't wrap gifts, I find it wasteful, I use bags if I want the presents to look nice. But I also don't have kids either.
I don't wrap gifts, I find it wasteful, I use bags if I want the presents to look nice. But I also don't have kids either.

My wife and I have 23 nieces and nephews and godchildren combined- 4 parents and 1 grandparent, 2 sets of friends who we exchange gifts with, my staff, my wifes staff-when you come down to it we have over 50 gifts or so,The only ones that I do are the one I give to my bride,The rest as you say are bagged/enveloped.

Most of our nieces and nephews are at the age where a gift card is thier favorite gift- That has taken quite a load off.
I really enjoy wrapping gifts, and I'm told I do it well. When you work retail over the holidays, you occasionally learn a few of the tricks.
I wrapped my gifts so horribly that now my wife won't let me near wrapping paper, which was my evil plan from the beginning. SHHH dont tell her.
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