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Century Circle - 100 Razors

Have you shaved with 100 razors? Do you want to eventually shave with that many? Have RAD bad? Like a lot of variety? Then this is a group for you!

The century circle welcomes anyone, post what you've shaved with and let's chat. High five those who have hit this number or cheer on those who want to.

Disclaimer: this thread is not for you if you believe nobody needs more than one razor. ;)
Set your own rules for how you count razors. I count an adjustable razor as one on my list. I count razors with different plates as multiple razors - e.g. Game Changer 68p and 84p count as two. I count razors made of different materials as different razors - e.g. brass and aluminum Overlanders count as two.
My current list:

  1. Alpha Claymore Evo
  2. Alysworth Kopparkant
  3. Alysworth Kopparkant +
  4. Atelier Durdan Le Maurice 1.0
  5. Atelier Durdan Le Maurice 1.2
  6. Atelier Durdan Le Maurice 1.4
  7. Atelier Durdan No 7 0.3
  8. Atelier Durdan No7 0.7
  9. Atelier Durdan No7 1.1
  10. Atelier Durdan No7 1.5
  11. Blackland Blackbird
  12. Blackland Blackbird Lite
  13. Blackland Era 3 OC
  14. Blackland Era 3SB
  15. Blackland Era 4SB
  16. Blackland Era 5SB
  17. Blackland Osprey
  18. Blackland Sabre v1 L1
  19. Blackland Sabre v2
  20. Chiseled Face Legacy Al
  21. DSCosmetic AX-SE 1.15
  22. DSCosmetic AX-SE 1.35
  23. DSCosmetic AX-SE 1.55
  24. DSCosmetics S9 Ti
  25. Fatip Gentile
  26. Focus R48 Evo
  27. GEM 1912
  28. GEM Bullet Tip
  29. GEM Featherweight
  30. GEM G-bar
  31. GEM Pushbutton
  32. Gillette Aristocrat
  33. Gillette Fat Handle Tech
  34. Gillette Heritage
  35. Gillette New Long Comb
  36. Gillette New Short Comb
  37. Gillette Old Type
  38. Gillette Slim
  39. Gillette Super Adjustable
  40. Gillette Super Speed C1
  41. Gillette Super Speed K4
  42. Gillette Super Speed R2
  43. Gillette Superspeed NDC
  44. Gillette Tech bakelite
  45. Gillette Tech Ball-End NDC
  46. Gillette Vector
  47. Green Cult 2.0 I
  48. Green Cult 2.0 II
  49. Henson +
  50. Henson ++
  51. Henson +++
  52. Henson Ti +++
  53. Henson v2 +++
  54. High Proof
  55. Karve Overlander Al
  56. Karve Overlander brass
  57. Karve Overlander SS
  58. Lambda Ares
  59. Lambda Athena
  60. Leaf
  61. Leaf Twig
  62. Merkur 28c
  63. Merkur 34c
  64. Merkur 37c
  65. Norelco
  66. One Blade Genesis
  67. PAA Ascension Twist
  68. PAA Filament
  69. PAA Quantum Alpha
  70. PAA Quantum Beta
  71. PAL
  72. Paradigm Diamondback Ti
  73. Paradigm Salient
  74. Parker Semi-Slant
  75. Penny Shaver
  76. Razorock Old Type
  77. Razorock BBS OC
  78. Razorock Cyber
  79. Razorock Game Changer 68 OC
  80. Razorock Game Changer 68p
  81. Razorock Game Changer 84p
  82. Razorock Lupo Al
  83. Razorock Mamba 53
  84. Razorock Mamba 70
  85. Razorock SLOC
  86. Schick Dial
  87. Schick E3
  88. Schick G1
  89. Schick Hydro-Matic
  90. Schick I1
  91. Schick pre-Krona
  92. Schick Stick
  93. Simple Clean Shave
  94. Supply SE
  95. Tatara Masa-dachi
  96. Tatara Muramasa
  97. Tatara Noda-mune
  98. Tatara Nodachi
  99. Trac II clone
  100. Valynor
  101. Weishi 9306
  102. Yaqi AC
  103. Yaqi Ghost 90
  104. Yaqi Romulus
  105. Yaqi Sentinel 1.35
  106. Yaqi Sentinel 1.5
  107. Yaqi Slope
  108. Yaqi Tile
  109. Yates Merica
  110. Yates Winning v1
  111. Yates Winning v2
I have owned most of them. I do not own that many now, having sold off quite a few. A couple were passarounds, but I got to experience shaving with them. Some passarounds led me to buy the razor.
I have experienced each of these through ownership and generous pass arounds. The list "only" has 99 rows, but the various plates put the list over the Century Mark. Fifty-five of these are in my collection.

Above The TieWindsor SSRH
Above The TieSLRH red baseplate
Above The TieSB90
Above The TieSR1
Above The TieCR1 base plate
Above The TieR2 base plate
Atelier DurdanLe Maurice
Atelier DurdanLa Faulx
Atelier DurdanVestige
Atelier DurdanNo 7
BlacklandBlackbird OC baseplate
BlacklandEra (1,2,3,4,5)
Carbon Shaving CoCx (316 & Ti)
ColonialCR7 (1,2,3 plates)
Edwin Jagger3one6
Ever-Ready1924 Shovelhead
FeatherArtist Club DX
FeatherArtist Club SS
FocusTritok concave
GEMMicromatic Clog Pruf
Gillette195 (Fatboy)(E4 1959)
GilletteRed Tip (1958)
GilletteSlim (1968)
GilletteSuperspeed (1947)
GilletteTech (1947-50)
GilletteTech Z4 (1954)
GilletteTech K2 (1965)
GilletteOld Type (1903-1921)
GilletteTech (pre-war)
GilletteKing C. Gillette
Haircut & ShaveP076 (SB & OC)
HensonAL13 (mild)
HensonAL13 (medium)
HensonAL 13 (aggressive)
HeritageGibbs 15 homage
iKon ShavecraftTek
Christopher Bradley (AA,A,B,C,Coc,D,E,G)
KarveC&D Plates + topcap
OliWorksM3teorite (1,2,3)
OliWorksOliBlade adjustable
ParkerVariant OC
PearlFlexi OC
Razo RockLupo .95 SB
Razo RockLupo 95 OC
Razo RockGame Changer 1.05
Razo RockLupo .72
SchickInjector G
SchickInjector J
SchickInjector M1
ShieldPredator GEM
Star3 piece
Stirling Soap Co.Standard & Aggressive
TataraMuramasa adjustable
Timeless0.95 OC
Timeless0.95 SB Ti
Timeless0.38 SB
Timeless0.78 OC
West Coast ShavingAmerican Liberty
Wet Shvg Clb (Yates)Merica
Wet Shvg Clb (Yates)Winning
WolfmanGuerrilla .99
Yates Prec. Mfg921 M H & EH baseplates
YaqiMellon 316
Yuma3 piece
I'm on the same boat as Spacemonkey, I'm sure I've surpassed 100 that I've bought, tried and sold (some).
I don't have that many now though!
31 modern (including two that will be inbound)
15 Vintage
I've pretty much kept what I really really like!
@LRod, you should post what you've shaved with that would be really interesting.

@ewk, maybe the next step is we post what we have kept in our collection and what has moved on.
@LRod, you should post what you've shaved with that would be really interesting.

@ewk, maybe the next step is we post what we have kept in our collection and what has moved on.
I will as I go along!
At least I'll post what I currently have as I'd have to go deep into my brain to remember all the other ones that I no longer have.
I'd have to go 100+ pages back in my journal to figure those out.
Glad to have a chance to update. I keep an inventory spreadsheet in case my family needs to liquidate if I cannot. I forgot to include the classic FOCS! And the version 2 Henson Al13 ++ is on the way. Most of my acquisitions are from BST or significant retail holiday sales.

The more expensive models like the Tataras and the Rex Ambassador are excellent razors, but I felt unsettled keeping such expensive items in the inventory with so little use in a large rotation. I believe, like musical instruments, they are tools that should be used.

If I had to dramatically reduce the inventory, I would keep the Blackland razors, Yates 921-M&H, and my birth year Gillette Slim.

Current Collection
Above The Tie SB90
Above The Tie SR1
Blackland Vector
Blackland Blackbird SB & brass OC plate
Blackland Era OC 4&5
Blackland Sabre (++) original version
Colonial CR7 (1,2,3 plates)
Edwin Jagger 3one6
Ever-Ready 1912
Ever-Ready 1924 Shovelhead
Fatip Lo Storto
Feather Artist Club DX
Feather Artist Club SS
Focus Tritok R58 (concave)
GEM Featherweight
GEM Micromatic Clog Pruf
Gillette 195 (Fatboy)(E4 1959)
Gillette Red Tip (1958)
Gillette Slim (1968)
Gillette Superspeed (1947)
Gillette Tech Z4 (1954)
Gillette Old Type (1903-1921)
Gillette Tech (pre-war) x2
Gillette Heritage
Gillette New
Henson Al 13 (++) v2
Karve Christopher Bradley (C, Coc, D, E, G)
Karve Overlander
Leaf Leaf
Merkur 34C
Merkur 34G
Merkur Progress
Muhle R102
OliWorks OliBlade adjustable
OliWorks M3teorite (1, 2, 3)
Parker Injector v3
Parker Variant OC
RazoRock Lupo 95 OC
RazoRock Game Changer 1.05
Rockwell 6S
Schick Injector G
Schick Injector J
Schick Krona
Shield Predator GEM
Star 3 piece
Timeless AL45
Timeless 0.95 OC & 0.95 SB Ti plates
West Coast Shaving American Liberty
Wet Shvg Clb (Yates) Merica
Wet Shvg Clb (Yates) Winning
Wolfman Guerrilla .99
Yates Prec. Mfg 921-M,H (stonewash)
Yaqi Mellon 316
Yuma 3 piece

Experienced Via Pass-around
Atelier Durdan Le Maurice
Atelier Durdan La Faulx
Atelier Durdan Vestige
Atelier Durdan No 7
Aylsworth Drakkant
Haircut & Shave P076 (SB & OC)
Lambda Ares
Lambda Athena
Leaf Twig
Leaf Thorn
Paradigm Diamondback
Paradigm Salient
Rex Konsul
Tatara Muramasa adjustable

PIF'ed, Traded, or Sold
Above The Tie Windsor SSRH
Above The Tie SLRH red baseplate
Above The Tie CR1 base plate
Above The Tie R2 base plate
Asylum Injector
Blackland Era (1,2,3 OC plates)
Gillette Slim (1967)
Gillette Tech (1947-50)
Gillette Tech K2 (1965)
Gillette Heritage
Gillette King C. Gillette (x2)
Henson AL13 (+, ++, +++) v1
Heritage Gibbs 15 homage
iKon Shavecraft Tek
Karve Christopher Bradley (AA, A, B plates)
Muhle R41
Muhle Rocca
Pearl Flexi
Razo Rock Lupo .95
Razo Rock Lupo .72
Rex Ambassador
Schick Injector M1
Schick Krona
Stirling Ft Worth handle (standard & aggressive plates)
Tatara Muramasa adjustable
Tatara Nodachi
Tatara Masamune (sb & oc plates)
Timeless 0.38 SB baseplate
Timeless 0.38 & 0.78 OC
Yates Prec. Mfg 921-EH plate
Yaqi Harlequin
Last edited:
Currently in the den, most have been used within the last 12 months. I really haven't been using the Maggards lately (that was kind of a jumping off point for higher end stuff for me). I really need to PIF or sell a few.
7 O'Clock Open Comb
Above the Tie Aluminum 90
Above the Tie G1
Above the Tie Stainless R1, M1, H1
Asylum Evolution
Asylum Rx
Baili Chuse
Barbasol Floating Head
Berjaya New Design Adjustable
Blackland Sabre
Boti Artist Club
Charcoal Goods Everyday
Club Berkley
Colonial The General V1
DB Psycho Tech Clone
Derby Shaving Company TTO
DS Cosmetics DS-S9
DS Cosmetics ZO
Eclipse Red Ring
Edwin Jagger 3one6
Ericsson Open Comb
Every Ready Streamline
Fatip Gentile
Fatip Piccolo
Fendrihan MK1
Fendrihan MK2
Gem 1912
Gem Contour
Gem Featherweight
Gem G Bar
Gem Lather Catcher
Gem Micromatic Bullet Tip
Gem Micromatic Clog Pruf
Gem Micromatic OC
Gem Pushbutton
Gibbs Adjustable
Gillette #58
Gillette 1941 Milord
Gillette 1941 Ranger Tech
Gillette 57 Tech
Gillette American Aristocrat
Gillette American Aristocrat JR
Gillette British Aristorat
Gillette British Aristorat Jr
Gillette Diplomat
Gillette English Flat Bottom Tech
Gillette English Hybrid Tech
Gillette English Open Comb Tech
Gillette English Rocket HD
Gillette Fat Boy
Gillette Fat Handle Tech
Gillette Goodwill
Gillette Heritage
Gillette King C Gillette
Gillette Mono Tech
Gillette New and Improved
Gillette NEW Long Comb
Gillette NEW Short Comb
Gillette Old Type
Gillette Pre War Tech
Gillette Psycho Tech
Gillette Sheraton
Gillette Single Ring
Gillette Slim
Gillette Slim Twist
Gillette Super 109
Gillette Super 89
Gillette Super Speed 40s
Gillette Super Speed Black Tip
Gillette Super Speed Blue Tip
Gillette Super Speed Flare Black
Gillette Super Speed Flare Chrome
Gillette Super Speed Red Tip
Gillette Super Speed TV Special
Gillette Toggle
Global Shave Company Fat Guy
Goodfellas Smile Valynor
Henson Men
Heritage Gibbs Replica
Ikon SBS
Ikon Tech
Ikon X3 Slant
Jifuli Classic
Jones Shake Sharp
Karve Christopher Bradley AA, B, C, D2
Karve Overlander
Le Coq Famex
Le Coq 3 piece
Maggard Slant
Maggard V2
Maggard V2c
Maggard V3
Maggard V3a
Maggard V3m
Merkur 23C
Merkur 34G
Merkur 37C
Merkur Progress (long and short
Muhle Companion
Muhle R41
Muhle Rocca
Occams Razor Complete Set
PAA Ascension
PAA Meta4
PAA Prismatic
PAA Starling V2
Parker 26c
Parker 87r
Parker 78R
Parker Variant
Pearl Flexi
Pearl OC
Q Shave Parthenon V1
Razorock BBS
Razorock Game Changer
Razorock German 37
Razorock Hawk
Razorock Lupo
Razorock Mamba
Rex Ambassador
Rockwell 6c
Rockwell T2
Rockwell T2 SS
Schick Krona
Shield Defender
Shield Predator
Silver Star 100
Standard Black
Star Lather Catcher
Timeless Scalloped .95 Stainless
Timeless Scalloped Bronze OC/SB
Timeless Smooth Titanium .68
Vikings Blade Meiji
Wangssolid Adjustable
West Coast Shaving Special Edition
Wolfman WRH2
Yaqi Bohemian
Yaqi Ghost 90
Yaqi Harlequin
Yaqi Mercury
Yaqi Tech
Yaqi Zephyr
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