I made the switch at the beginning of the year from cartridge to a safety razor.
I bought a Blackland Titanium DE razor with the regular and lite base plate & a Timeless Titanium razor, both with the .68 & .95 base plates. I find the Timeless .68 base plate is a nice smooth shave for me. The Timeless .95 is to rough for me, as it cuts me up. The Blackland base plate also is rough and cuts me up, the lite base plate is not that bad, a few nick here and there. I just recently tried and returned the Henson TI Mild, since it cut me up real bad. I’m still healing from the battle wounds of this razor.
Anyway, I was just curious as I was looking out there for another razor. I had an eye on the Carbon CX-TI 22. I like the titanium razor since they are lite. I have sensitive skin and shave every other day. I am reaching out to see what the razor community and there opinion.
I bought a Blackland Titanium DE razor with the regular and lite base plate & a Timeless Titanium razor, both with the .68 & .95 base plates. I find the Timeless .68 base plate is a nice smooth shave for me. The Timeless .95 is to rough for me, as it cuts me up. The Blackland base plate also is rough and cuts me up, the lite base plate is not that bad, a few nick here and there. I just recently tried and returned the Henson TI Mild, since it cut me up real bad. I’m still healing from the battle wounds of this razor.
Anyway, I was just curious as I was looking out there for another razor. I had an eye on the Carbon CX-TI 22. I like the titanium razor since they are lite. I have sensitive skin and shave every other day. I am reaching out to see what the razor community and there opinion.