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Captain's Choice has set sail.


But where will the good ship Captain's Choice dock next? To reach our next delivery with precious cargo of aftershave we will be transiting the Great Lakes headed out of Chicago. First north along the length of Lake Michigan then across Lake Huron. Then turning back east to cross Lake Erie and finally across Lake Ontario. Finally up the St. Lawrence Seaway and out to the Atlantic:


Or might we take a shortcut once we reach Lake Erie? Hmmm, they dug a ditch some years ago that will certainly get us to our dock faster. Looks like a hard turn to the south at the Hudson River takes us right to an island. After searching the archives we see there was a delivery made some time back to the same location.

Who oh who might it be?


The manifest calls for an even dozen of each of the three aftershaves. Last I heard the first mate was haranguing the crew, "BLOKES - this 'ears an important place, a destination really, for these wet shaving mates out there! Guard the cargo and NO SAMPLIN'!!!"

Looking at picking up a bottle. Could someone link me to the ingredients? I can't seem to find them.
Here are the ingredients of the Bay Rum, right off the Captain's website:

Ingredients: Pure grain alcohol, witch hazel, rum, essential oils and extracts, glycerin.

But where will the good ship Captain's Choice dock next? To reach our next delivery with precious cargo of aftershave we will be transiting the Great Lakes headed out of Chicago. First north along the length of Lake Michigan then across Lake Huron. Then turning back east to cross Lake Erie and finally across Lake Ontario. Finally up the St. Lawrence Seaway and out to the Atlantic:


Or might we take a shortcut once we reach Lake Erie? Hmmm, they dug a ditch some years ago that will certainly get us to our dock faster. Looks like a hard turn to the south at the Hudson River takes us right to an island. After searching the archives we see there was a delivery made some time back to the same location.

Who oh who might it be?


The manifest calls for an even dozen of each of the three aftershaves. Last I heard the first mate was haranguing the crew, "BLOKES - this 'ears an important place, a destination really, for these wet shaving mates out there! Guard the cargo and NO SAMPLIN'!!!"


What a gorgeous cutter that is! :boat:
Here are the ingredients of the Bay Rum, right off the Captain's website:

Ingredients: Pure grain alcohol, witch hazel, rum, essential oils and extracts, glycerin.

Thanks so much. Anyone have a bottle of the Lime with the ingredients?

Pure grain alcohol, witch hazel, essential oils and extracts, glycerin.

And if your next question is regarding the ingredient list for Cat O' Nine Tails, I believe it's something like:

  • Pure grain alcohol
  • witch hazel
  • essential oils and extracts
  • glycerin
  • Essence of Hell
  • Fire & Brimstone
  • Pyroclastic Fury
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