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Buying blades online...

Hi, my 1st post yayyyy.
Just a quick one, I did a search and couldnt find anything on this...
I want to buy some blades online, but am all too aware of the amount of fakes floating around.
Can anybody recommend a legit trader on Ebay or somewhere else online?
Welcome aboard. You might want to check the shopping forum for links. There are plenty of quality vendors to be found. What blades do you like?
Welcome to B&B!

There are far more quality blades and vendors than fakes/frauds. I've only ever heard once of a fake blade and it was with only one brand.

You can buy from the vendors listed above, or in the b/s/t or even eBay, which carries many blades in small and large quantities. Several eBay sellers are also forum members and I've bought many blades on eBay without any cause to suspect anything amiss.
I've never heard of fake DE's only cartridges, and that was mainly gillette fusion ones IIRC coming from China and they were dead easy to spot (crap quality all over....).

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