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Bulb or fan

My brushes are bulb shaped knots. I just wondered what fan shaped knots were like and if any advantage.
If the knot is not too big than Fans are considered better suited to face lathering but the differences might be subtle. The reasoning being that a fan is distributed more evenly on the face. Bulbs to the left, Fans to the right.

Also depends on backbone and density my soft bulb horsehair and some synths are still great face lather machines. But my fan shaped badger excels
The fan shape can put more surface area to the face. That could be an advantage for face lathering. It makes more sense for smaller knots. If the brush has a larger knot, you don't really need more surface area.

People might like fans because they are something different. There are also "hybrid" knot shapes out there.

My fan-shape Semogue 620 with nominal 22mm knot, feels like a 24mm or more. And this is a fairly compact brush, too.
Bulbs are supposed to emphasise backbone, fans are supposed to emphasise face-lathering splay.

With bulbs (the traditional German or European style) a smaller area of the brush is in contact with soap and face and allows for more precise handling, fans (sometimes referred to as British style) are preferred by some because they have a larger surface area in contact with soap and face and some shavers find them therefore more suitable for face-lathering.

Differences between the two styles should not be overestimated though.
I face-lather and primarily use bulbs and find that differences between the two styles are minor. Keep also in mind that many so-called fan brushes are in reality crossovers that come with more curvature on top than a 100% fan (e.g the butterscotch brush in post number 2).

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I don't care for a fan, but the only way you will know is if you try one.

I have both but prefer the feel and performance of bulbs.
Bulbs for me too. I prefer the looks and performance. All my boars (maybe all boars in general), seem to be fan, which I'm okay with.

Don't forget about Hybrids, or are those knot a thing any more? Bulbous Fan. I consider the Eagle type butterscotch above to be a Hybrid.
My brushes are bulb shaped knots. I just wondered what fan shaped knots were like and if any advantage.
Nope. IME fans generally feel larger and splay easier for same size vs bulb. As a result seem to have less scrub or face feel. They're great but more of a bulb fan than a fan fan.
Bulbs to the left, Fans to the right.
Stuck in the middle with a hybrid...
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I see no advantages nor disadvantages to either. I kind of like the look of a bulb knot more than a fan. So if you showed me 2 brushes that were exactly the same other than the knot shape I'd probably reach for the bulb over the fan.
My only ‘direct’ comparison is the recent B&B group buy. I got Shavemac 2-band Beagles in both fan and bulb configurations. The knots were set identically.

Initially, I preferred the fan which is a close to perfect as any face-lathering brush can get IMO!

However, I appreciate the bulb more and more. It a great job lathering the Fat this AM!

In other words, ‘GET BOTH!’ :a29::a29:
I like them both. I find that lathering with a bulb can be a bit more "precise" and as a serial splayer, I generally don't feel the need to splay with it. Wouldn't mind another bulb in the future.

Oh get a fan, experiment and have fun with it.
Totally personal. I have used both. Personally prefer one type, but I will not divulge which is my preference because it will not help you. (same with blades. you have to try them yourself; my experience does not matter one iota to how it will work for you)


Blade Biter
Bulbs look better, especially low set two-bands.

But fans splay easier, feel better on the face, and splatter less. Better performance.
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