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Brush technique

I seem to get the best results (even distribution of shave cream, just thick enough to not see through) using simple up/down strokes like I was painting, but I've noticed others swear by a circular method.

Since I'm new and still not quite getting the results I want, I figured I'd find out what works for others.

Oh and when is someone going to make a video demonstration of all this? It's gotta be easier than all these posts :wink:

I use a circular motion to massage my face and exfoliate, then I paint to get even coverage (although mine is more thicker than you describe).

Something I've been toying with is under watering my cream and leaving my face very wet and adding that extra bit of water on my face during each relather, thus avoiding adding water to the bowl from my face and ruining the cream/water ratio.
Circle--to plump up the whiskers--and Paint--for even coverage!

Sounds like a mantra is born!:tongue:
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