It seems that a friend dropped his brush on the floor and his resin handle got a piece taken off, which proves this material is obviously breakable.
However, in the search for a new silvertip brush, he decided to go for a more resistance material, that won't break if you drop it on the bathroom floor.
What do you advice him to buy instead?
I know that there are ppl who make custom metallic handles, and there are some companies that also make metallic handles, but if you were to make a top of the best materials from breaking point of view, adding the downsides about scratching resistance, discoloration or anything else related to the look over time, I would very much love to know what is worth buying and what not. Also it would be nice to see acrylic, plexi, horn, resin, metal-different types of metal, beng mentioned in the top.
However, in the search for a new silvertip brush, he decided to go for a more resistance material, that won't break if you drop it on the bathroom floor.
What do you advice him to buy instead?
I know that there are ppl who make custom metallic handles, and there are some companies that also make metallic handles, but if you were to make a top of the best materials from breaking point of view, adding the downsides about scratching resistance, discoloration or anything else related to the look over time, I would very much love to know what is worth buying and what not. Also it would be nice to see acrylic, plexi, horn, resin, metal-different types of metal, beng mentioned in the top.