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Blood test gone wrong

I'm 65. Last year, I went to a new doctor for some blood tests. My doctor looked at them and said "You are the only person I've ever had who batted 1000 on the blood tests."

I leaned forward in the chair and looked at the floor and said, "I think I have erectile dysfunction.

"Every morning that thing is standing tall and I can't bend it over to pee in the toilet. I have to back up against the wall and arc it in, but the bathroom isn't big enough. I used to go outside in a bush, but now, if you get caught, they make you a sexual offender. What can I do?"
Couple times a year at least my primary care doc directs me to get blood tests. I'm old, have the usual old guy issues.

So, went to the lab Monday and they stuck a needle in me.

Yesterday the doctors office called. Sorta panicked. Very, very high potassium number. Indicative of kidney failure and other unpleasant things.

Naturally, the second thing I thought was, "I have to PIF my shaving kit."

The first thing was less noble.

Fast forward, doctors office insisted I re-do the blood test STAT.

Guess the lab tech screwed up the first test, cuz the potassium # was normal second time. Got the call last evening.

This wasn't quite like being on death row and getting word the Governor was issuing a pardon, but today is gonna be a better day than yesterday.

Yup. Today is going to be a pretty good day.

Alright, first of all I am not trying to be a topper when I say this

...I had a family member told he had aids.

...thankfully he took it in stride until they notified him a WEEK later of their mistake !

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