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Black handle Super Speed

That's black handle, not black tip. :wink:

Shaved with one of these tonight, a 1973 model (T-4).

Loaded it with an Israeli Personna blade, lathered up with a Palmolive Shave Stick and a brush. Smoothest, most comfortable shave ever so far! Could be the blade and this was also my first time using the IP blade. So I'm going to try the same razor with a Derby next shave and see how it goes but the setup tonight has left me Baby Bottom Smooth! Love it!
You may have just discovered what quite a few of use already know. The IP is a great blade which suits your beard and razor. I only use the IP. The only differences in my shaves is which razor to use. Every shave is great.

I shaved with a 1970 black handled adjustable this morning. My first and perhaps favorite razor. :thumbup:

Yeah, I always use a black handle adjustable set at number 5. This one I'm talking about here isn't adjustible. It's the black handle Super Speed. I never did like Super Speeds but I definitely love this one after that shave. Whew. Or maybe not. It's probably just that sweet blade that went in it as Len supported. :wink: Just in case, I went on and ordered 100 more IP blades.
I like my black handle super speed, but I wish it was built more like a 40s super speed. More weight in the head would do it some good, I do believe.
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