My 28 mm TGN silvertip is losing a lot of hair recently. I don't know if this is a normal phase, or should I be concerned?
When I first got my TGN knot, it was maybe 6 months ago, and it lost about 1 or 2 hairs in the beginning shaves. That was normal. About a month ago, my brush lost maybe 5 hairs a shave. I cleaned out the brush with borax and detergent and combed it after 24 hours; it lost over 20 strands (I got depressed and stopped counting). Now, the brush is losing about 3 strands per shave, which is an improvement, but it is still losing hairs non the less.
I searched around the B&B, and it seems to me that big brushes loses a lot of hair at random. Should I be concerned about my brush, or is it just something that is normal for big brushes?
When I first got my TGN knot, it was maybe 6 months ago, and it lost about 1 or 2 hairs in the beginning shaves. That was normal. About a month ago, my brush lost maybe 5 hairs a shave. I cleaned out the brush with borax and detergent and combed it after 24 hours; it lost over 20 strands (I got depressed and stopped counting). Now, the brush is losing about 3 strands per shave, which is an improvement, but it is still losing hairs non the less.
I searched around the B&B, and it seems to me that big brushes loses a lot of hair at random. Should I be concerned about my brush, or is it just something that is normal for big brushes?