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Beware of the menthol!

Ok so i had a bottle of Gillette Cool Wave AS I bought some time in the 90's. But it seemed to burn a bit too much when I tried it. The bottle was half full so I figured I would tame it by adding witch hazel. So I top off the bottle with witch hazel now the scent and burn are reduced and I am happy.

Or so I thought. I recently tried Aqua Velva Ice Blue for the first time since starting with the DE. And I thought hey I have some menthol crystals on hand which I crushed into a fine powder for other purposes. Well I went way overboard with the crystals and I should have known better since I am well aware of their potency. I typically use it in 1 small 1/3 cc scoop per ml.

Long story short I have the most face freezing menthol AS probably on the planet. I applied it 15 mins ago and the anesthetic freeze is just now starting to reduce some. I probably added about 6+ cc's of crystal to the bottle I wasn't really all that smart about it.

So yeah menthol crystals are a very strong additive and best used sparingly and wisely. So I'm going to find a larger bottle and go ahead and dilute it to normal human levels with witch hazel later. :blushing:

On a positive note my face is so numb if I was too aggressive I sure wouldn't know it. :tongue_sm
Did you feel like this guy?

Yup, menthol crystals are pretty strong. I tried making a menthol after shave once with witch hazel. It was so cold I could feel it for the rest of the day.
Did you feel like this guy?


Yeah they could have wrote his origin as a menthol crystal accident. If you really want to know what it felt like. Well if you ever had dental work that required the good old needle anesthetic that makes your lips or cheeks numb then that it what my face felt like. Cold and numb.
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