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Best place to order Feathers?

I ordreed from them and the blades arived on time and for a great price.
I only wish the blades come in a box for all of them not loose in a bag, but so what I feel I got a great deal.
Thanks for the advice guys. I just placed an order with Cotton Blossom for 100 Feathers and some Taylors Almond Cream.
1 st class mail said:
I ordreed from them and the blades arived on time and for a great price.
I only wish the blades come in a box for all of them not loose in a bag, but so what I feel I got a great deal.

That is because a pillard box comes per 200 . if you had ordered 200 you would be fine. Derby's come in a 100 pillard box.

But shipping out 10 packs of 10 is ok just as long you know what your doing and the protection of the feather blades in their box is unrivaled nr 1 packing in the world.

In case there is enough demand here from foreign people I can get Feathers in aswell

just leave a note in the thread here so I can see how many would be interested.
SSLStudio said:
just leave a note in the thread here so I can see how many would be interested.

Me me me me! And I haven't even tried the pack of Feathers you sent me yet! How much do you reckon for 100 Rene?
Jonnybc said:
Me me me me! And I haven't even tried the pack of Feathers you sent me yet! How much do you reckon for 100 Rene?

Hold your horses Jonny ! oh ive always wanted to say that line :biggrin:
First try the Feathers.. first make sure you like them before dreaming about more then 10. :w00t:
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