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Back to the Mach 3 for good!

Well here it is...my official confession. I am going back to my Mach 3 for good! I've gone back to it several times over the years, and was always impressed and dissapointed at the same time. I get a closer, more comfortable, more consistent shave with the Mach 3. I've been using it exclusively now for the past 3 weeks. Not a single razor bump, or ingrown hair on my face! Not the case with DE. I always had minor bumps and at LEAST one nasty ingrown hair on my face when I used the DE. I really wish I could save money and put the Mach 3 down, but I just can't! I love not having to pay attention to angle and pressure. I try to keep a light touch, but if I don't it doesent matter!

I'm NOT bad mouthing DE. Like I said, I really wish I could use one, I just enjoy the simplicity, and end result the Mach 3 gives me. I guess I'm the Lone Cart User of B&B! I'll always keep my brushes, creams, and soaps, but I think my DE days are over. :sad:
YMMV applies to everything else around here, I don't see why DE versus Carts should be any different.
Do what works for you and I wish you successful shaves.
I wish you great shaves, too. DE shaving certainly can be frustrating; I started off with Feathers, and sliced and diced myself on a regular basis. Used a Feather Popular, a DE89, and several Techs. Switched to Astras. Stopped going ATG. Started to use pre-shave. Tried creams, and Arko sticks. Still not right, but better.

At that point, I could have easily switched back to carts, because the whole DE enterprise seemed pretty complicated. Then I stumbled on the perfect combination for me--a blue-tip and a Personna Red. Never cut myself, no abrasions, and a great shave every time, better than any cart ever gave me.. But if the whole DE thing proves too frustrating, you're certainly right to exercise your options.
Another vote for whatever works for you, and also second the idea of looking into the Trac II and Atras. Too bad you limited yourself to the double edge and didn't try out the many wonderful single edge razors that are available...
From the limited amount I have learned on this site thus far, the people here are not fundamentalists to the extent where they would disown yuo completely for using a mach 3 as your choice of shaver.

Life is hard enough without complicating it more, if a mach 3 makes your life easier, stick with it, at least your mind has been opened with regard to the possibilities :)

Just don't go selling off your collection of DE gear just yet ;)
I say good for you! You just found the best way for you to shave. I never had any problems using carts, but it was very unfulfilling. DE's was a lot more fun, but I had some issues with irritation especially on my neck. I got closer shaves than I ever had before though.

Then I took the chance to move on to straights. They are at least as much fun as DE's and I don't have any problems with irritation anymore. I don't get as close shaves as I got with DE's though, at least not yet.

Still I have found what suits me!
Whatever works, man. The point is to find what's comfortable for you and that has to be carts, then it just is. I'd still look for a cheaper cart though. Maybe one of those cart subscriptions?
Thanks for all the support! The "Dark Side" is a long and lonely path that is for sure. :lol: I still have a few razors on the way...a Gillette NEW, and a FaTip...but I'm pretty sure they won't see much, if any use. Looks like a PIF is in the works...
Have you tried the Schick injectors? Wicked sharp but a very different experience from a DE. If you want to give one a shot before turning completely to the Dark Side (If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will), drop me a PM.
It is not always a quick and easy journey to arrive at what's best for you. Will you still use the brush/cream, or go for the canned stuff?

Anyway, thanks for your service. Take care.
Finding what works best for you is key. Forget what anyone else thinks, they aren't shaving you. For me I have just the opposite. I can't get a decent shave and get crazy burn with carts.
Sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you. I'd agree with the others who say give the Trac II and Atra knock-offs a try. I'm glad to hear that you're sticking with the soaps, creams, brushes, though. That will no doubt give you the best cart shaving experience you can get.

Take the direction you need, even if it's M3's. A good/great prep works with the cartridge razors, too.

It's not like anyone is going to burn you at the stake (though they may tease you a bit).

-- John Gehman
Though I've always been a wet shaver, I used the Gillette Sensor and Sensor 3 for decades and was very happy with it. I decided to try a DE razor to save a little money and because the "classic-ness" of it appealed to my retro soul. But I had no intention of staying with it unless it worked for me. It has, but if it doesn't work for you, don't sweat it. Enjoy your shaves! (which should be everyone's goal, regardless of method)


The Lather Maestro
Hey, Casey, no problem there! Frankly, it was my experience that the DE razor was only about 20% of the shaving comfort equation. The other 80% was using quality soap that does not irritate the skin and using at least a couple light passes with the razor. It's not that the Mach 3 is bad, per se, it's that guys think it will whack everything down in one pass, and that causes irritation.

Before finding this site, I used a brush and mug for years and shaved in the shower. Without reading about it, I discovered that doing a light pass, relathering and doing another light pass, followed by some touchup resulted in much less irritation! That was 80% of it. If you don't go back to canned goo and trying to whack everything off in one pass, you will probably be happy as a clam!
You'll be back. I started and stopped using a DE from the Mach3 several times over the past couple of years since I first got a DE.

Then I discovered this site a few months back along with watching EVERY shaving vid on YouTube in existence and became determined to get this darn skill down.

Thru trial and error plus an onslaught of RAD, I've figured out how to get BBS shaves on a daily basis and havnt touched my Mach in 3 months.

Hold on to your DE hardware, you'll need it when you come back.
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