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Asking the oracles for recomendation

Looks like I acidently bought a minor pile of straight razors. But to make it more complete I guess a decent strop would be nice to have hanging around. I've been drooling some at the Kanayama review by Doc and feel the needy ) But are there other strops in that price range you can recomend. Or is this the bang for bucks product at $100 and below?


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Is this your first strop? If so, get good, but cheap. Most people murder the strop they learn on, and it would be a shame to kill a kanayama.

Think whipped dog poor mans, Rup filly, Tony Miller beginner... Get a kamayama or equivalent when you have some practice.
Thank you for the replay. I have the Poorman Strop. Didn't make a scratch in it in about 2 hours of totalpractise )
Keep at it for a while
I messed up my practice strop quite badly took a huge chunk out of it being to confident.

Now I go super slow on my Walking English Bridle and Clyesdale
My poor practice strop still gets used from time to time to remind me of what over cofidences does to a strop
Get a piece of leather lay it on a flat surface like a book and go crazy.... It's the safest option, and you can't really round out the blade...unless you have a little too much fun...
Is Ambrose still around? The first strop he ever sold (Spanish HH) is still the best leather on any strop I own. He did a LOT of different types after. HH, Compressed, this and that. I didn't try them, but everyone who I saw mention them seemed pleased.

But yeah, Use a <$40 strop as long as you can. I'd wait till you've gone a month or two without any issues to go up to a pricey strop.
Don't listen to those amateurs.

They are just jealous of your obvious strop mastery.

Buy the Kanayama and rejoice.

Money will come and go, but the Kanayamas will not be around forever.

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I'm lucky or talented because I didn't have any success in messing up the PoorMan?
Sad part is that I think that everything in Sweden that are shaving related is down to the history books. Straight Razors, DE Razors and DE Blade sharpeners. Maybe it's possible to make a special order at some leather factory. But that will probably cost a lot more then what I have to pay for this Kanayama. Guess I can buy two and still save a minor like of money.
So if this is as good as some say ... I guess I gotta get it. Thanks for your replies and recomendations.
I know expensive things wont make my skills better. But I probaly wont be sloppy and do to many misstakes ...
Lots of strop-fondling going on here....

Where does one get a Kanayama these days? I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and buy one....
A Tony Miller is a fine peice of work as well. I have four of each. Kanayama and Tony Miller. I would recommend a Kanayama Fine Stars #3 and a Tony MIller Old Timer Steerhide and Linen.
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