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AP Shave Owner’s Club / SOTD Pics

It has arrived! I was able to build some beautiful lather with Speick cream, but I struggled with Stirling SDM soap. I strongly suspect that the latter issue was operator error. I need to spend some more time getting to know and respect this guy. (I'm coming from a RazoRock Bruce 24mm Plissoft, my daily driver.)

Timeless 68 Shave.jpg


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
@mcee_sharp , no one told them to their face. They may have inspired the longer handled barber brushes.

@apshaveco , having seen fossils of ankylosaurus skeletons, I no longer crave their skeleton etched on an AP ShaveCo resin handle, but, like, an artistic rendition of one or the skeleton of any number of pterosaurs would r0xx0rz so squeakin’ hard! Yeah, they’re not dinosaurs, but pterosaurs and dinosaurs are both part of the avemetatarsalia family and they’re cool as can be.

Imagine something like the image below etched on a resin handle for 20mm-22mm knots

@mcee_sharp , no one told them to their face. They may have inspired the longer handled barber brushes.

@apshaveco , having seen fossils of ankylosaurus skeletons, I no longer crave their skeleton etched on an AP ShaveCo resin handle, but, like, an artistic rendition of one or the skeleton of any number of pterosaurs would r0xx0rz so squeakin’ hard! Yeah, they’re not dinosaurs, but pterosaurs and dinosaurs are both part of the avemetatarsalia family and they’re cool as can be.

Imagine something like the image below etched on a resin handle for 20mm-22mm knots

View attachment 1858300

It would be great to have that in relief on the bottom of a tub of soap! Feel like an archaeologist and then once exposed it would work as a lather bowl very well.
It would be great to have that in relief on the bottom of a tub of soap! Feel like an archaeologist and then once exposed it would work as a lather bowl very well.
I thought we were going to have to send an archaeologist after you to dig you up because I haven't seen you in so long.
I thought we were going to have to send an archaeologist after you to dig you up because I haven't seen you in so long.

It’s been a while both here and SF. Best way to curb fomo and (x)AS is to give a little space. We had to buy a new vehicle, necessitating paying off the family van early. So savings has taken a hit and we’re trying to be frugal. Which is tough with 4 kids in dance and summer camps 🤦🏻‍♂️
Has anyone used APShaveCo's new Bliss knot? What do you all think of it? How does it actually compare to the STF and the G5C?
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