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Any recommendations for Kiss My Face brand cream?

I'm new to creams. I've been using Arko soap and so far I like it just fine. I've used KMF products before and I have been pretty pleased with them. I'm really curious to try their shave cream. I'm thinking about the lavender and shea version. Very cheap on amazon. Surprisingly cheap, actually. Do creams lather up like soaps? I have read a few posts where people mention mixing creams and soap. Any info is much appreciated.
. Do creams lather up like soaps?.

Yup, easier than soaps even, since you don't have to load the brush. Just squirt/scoop the cream into your brush/bowl/face and start swirling.

I have read a few posts where people mention mixing creams and soap.

People do crazy things here :blink: You can mix soap and cream if you want to, it's a good way to salvage less than perfect products, or just combine the best of two products you like.
The mint is great and the lime, well kind of artificial smelling, is really nice as well. You can't go wrong for the price, even if you use it only once in a while. Great stuff, I go to it whenever I'm looking to make an uberlather.
My girlfriend uses the mint on her legs. I sometimes put a squirt in the bowl when I bowl lather for a nice uber lather. But I haven't used a bowl all that much lately.

I've always wanted to try the pomegranate scented one. Might have to order that for myself!


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I've always wanted to try the pomegranate scented one. Might have to order that for myself!

it's got a very strong, grapefruit scent. i really liked it at 1st, then found it quite synthetic and overpowering.

i enjoy the Key Lime, Cool Mint and Bamboo Green Tea (my favorite)
I use the Key Lime, Cool Mint, and Unscented. The latter is great to add some slickness to an under-performing soap or cream.
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