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Another Question

So I tried my first straight shave and everything is still attached. I actually didn't have any nicks or cuts but I did have a lot of irritation. I bought a shave ready vintage razor on ebay from I think a reputable source. The question is how do you know if it's not sharp enough? I felt like I was pushing the straight razor more than I would a safety razor. It didn't feel like it was gliding through the hair. I am new at this though and maybe what I'm feeling is the feedback everyone says is there. Or maybe my angle was off. If it isn't sharp enough will a linen strop be enough to get it up to snuff? How do you know when it's a technique vs. a hardware (sharpness) issue?
Test shave some arm hair see how it cuts and feels. If it shaves the hair easy then its more than likely your technique.

Give it some time, look up some straight shaving videos on technique. This is what helped me the most.
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