Yes I did finally did it! Not very a very good shave, but not terrible either. It took about 20 minutes for 1.5 pass. I can't say it was WTG b/c I was just going at whatever angle was easiest. Started with my right hand and left face. Then tried my left hand on my checks and couldn't do the rest of my right face so switched to my right and finished. Only one nick below my lip when I was going upward with the blade facing down. Didn't know you could cut yourself like that. It healed up on its own no styptic necessary. So tomorrow I need to watch Lynn's video on stropping and I'll go at it again. My face does feel nice and tingly, no burn to speak of. A guy can get used to this. My investment in a Dovo Special 5/8 and 3" Latigo is worth it!!