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Another Brick and Mortar in Chicago

Was talking to a friend of mine that lives just north of Chicago about my shaving ritual, when he mentioned a store near him that he buys cigars from, now sells shaving gear as well. Well say no more...I had to check it out.

Cigary International in Wilmette is a cigar shop at 139 Skokie Blvd, 847-256-7676. They are just a few blocks north of Old Orchard shopping malll on Skokie blvd.

Well off I went to do some "research"...Bob the owner couldn't have been nicer, and is the kind of gentleman that would fit in well here at Badger and Blade. It was nice to hear that his shaving business has been growing, I like shopping online, but nothing beats walking into a store and holding in your hands the item you are going to buy.

I am not a smoker but to my eyes they look to have a world class cigar shop, and even have a comfy smoking lounge to try out your new cigars. They started carrying the full line of Truefitt & Hill products a while ago and also have a nice collection of shave tools as well, I believe some Edwin Jagger razors and various brushes and stands.

I told him about the community here at Badger and Blade, so if you pay him a visit, mention Badger&Blade.com. We need to support any store that caters to such a wide variety of manly pursuits, and Cigary is a nice family run business that does just that.

Just wanted to make all of our members aware of another fine establishment in the windy city. :thumbup:
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