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Animag's Straight Razor Shave Journal

That about perfectly describes where I landed with my own conclusions as well. Once or twice a week, but not daily. I just need to know that if I get invited to a wedding or similar, I can achieve the shave I want to appear with.
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way.
Have you guys seen this video?

Random. No I haven't seen that one. He uses quite a few different grips during his shave and I've never seen anyone start a shave at the mustache. I'll have to try some of that stuff to change things up a bit and add variety. I feel like my shaves are starting to become a bit routine. Thanks for sharing that.

Also, was it just me or did he shave a bit aggressively? Fast, long strokes at (what I would call) a pretty steep angle. I wonder how much exfoliating was done on that shave. At one point I actually cringed when he did an ATG stroke while it looked like he was applying a lot of pressure at a steep angle. Looks like he only got 1-2 cuts though, so that's good.
I’m not sure that particular video is a good one for new shavers at least; only as something to aspire to I think. He likely has a very custom edge and a lot of skill with that particular blade. Not discounting the video, just advising caution. That’s why I rather like Chimenshe’s video more. It’s quite relaxed, shows skill, and has a lot of good bit one can pick up.
Your right Chris, his shaving is much too aggressive for me. I just found some of his stretching helpful. I was focused more on that instead of his razor technique.

I’ll check out the video you suggested, I can always use more tips.
I watched Chimensch's video a few times before my first SR shave. It's a good one and I need to watch it again now that I have more experience and know more things to look for. That other guy was definitely too aggressive for me and way fast, but the stretching was helpful and I will try starting from the mustache and watch again to look at some of the grips and approches he used to see if any of them could help me, but I won't be trying anything out of me league.
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