So I'm getting a Droid from Verizon for Christmas, and I'm wondering what apps do you have on your Android device?
I want one bad, just can't justify the extra $30 per month on the data plan. the darn phones have WiFi and I'm around accessible Wifi almost need for verizon's overpriced data plan!
I'm told the reason they require data plans is because they are heavily subsidizing the cost of the newer smartphones, and if they didn't require the expanded contract the phones would be over 50% more expensive. I wish I could just purchase/activate the phone at that cost. Oh well, guess I'll have to stick to the LG Chocolate Touch, the only V Phone with a touchscreen that does not require the higher teir plans.
I'm deciding between the HTC Hero and a Blackberry.
What apps will make the Hero better than a Blackberry?
Shazam is a decent app. It can be used when you hear a song you like, but don't know the name of it.
The blackberry doesn't really run much in the app department compared to the android and iphone. The BB is best for email and messaging.
If you're looking for apps, look at the Hero.