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Android, anybody?

My precious Android Dev Phone 1 took a bit of a swim a little ways back, owing to my wonderful and loving girlfriend not being much of a canoeist. (It was my fault, anyway...it'd occurred to me beforehand that I shouldn't take along electronics, but of course I didn't actually do anything about that.) It still works, but there's about a 3/4" band of touchscreen that doesn't respond and it inexplicably dies after about five minutes of talk time, so I was thinking of replacing it this holiday season. Anybody have an Android model to recommend / warn about? I'd been thinking about a Nexus One (they're still available to developers, and I'm registered as a developer) or maybe waiting for the new Nexus S (though it doesn't have an SD slot).
I have a Nexus One and I love it. It is fast and free of crapware and carrier UI "improvements."

Also, Gingerbread should be pushed out for Nexus users before others.

The Nexus S, which will ship with Gingerbread on December 16th, looks great but the lack of SD is a bit of a let down.
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The Nexus S, which will ship with Gingerbread on December 16th, looks great but the lack of SD is a bit of a let down.

Doesn't it come with 16GB of storage? Or do you need more? Wait, what am I saying, of course you need more. You always need more! :lol:

The Nexus S does look very sweet, got a case of the PAD!
Just upgraded to a sprint LG optimus s. Love it. and it has 2.2. one of my co workers has an evo and we did a side by side of pulling up the same web page and the optimus was quicker. the evo was better in video quality tho.
Android is fantastic. Try and get the Froyo 2.2 over the 2.1. It's a much better operating system.

I definitely agree -- Android's great. I'd been thinking about a higher-end Nokia phone, but I'm just too much of a Google Contacts addict these days to abandon Android altogether. Though the version that comes stock probably won't matter, since anything I get will likely be flashed to the latest version of Cyanogenmod, if possible.

Doesn't it come with 16GB of storage? Or do you need more? Wait, what am I saying, of course you need more. You always need more! :lol:

The Nexus S does look very sweet, got a case of the PAD!

It's not so much that I need more than 16GB, but removable storage just makes me happy...data on an SD card can be recovered from a dead phone, whereas internal storage probably couldn't (easily, at least).
HTC EVO- the phone that convinced me to switch from AT&T to sprint.


I left verizon and the droid behind for Sprint. For 80 bucks a month you get unlimited everything. I feel like the network really isn't as good but I don't use my cellphone to make hour long calls so its not a big deal to me.

The price alone has been worth it. The fact that the htc evo and samsung epic are on sprint made it even better. The evo really does deserve the top ratings that it gets, even if it is 6 months older then the others.
I have Verizon (can't switch, it's a work plan). I've had the HTC Incredible since the day it came out, and love it.

I've drowned a few phones over the years (while fly-fishing), and I didn't want to risk this one, so I figured I better store it in a waterproof container when fishing. Looked at various containers from Otterbox, Aquapac, Pelican, and the like, but they were all damned expensive. Finally decided to just look for an air/water tight food container in the right size, and bought this at my local TJ Maxx for $3:


It fits my phone, wallet, and keys, and it works flawlessly (tested it by stuffing it full of toilet paper, sinking it about 3' deep in a barrel full of water, and letting it sit there for a few hours - when I pulled it out, the TP was bone dry).
Droid incredible for me as well on Verizon. Love the phone as a matter of fact I'm using it for this message. There is really nothing I can say that's bad about it.
If you are someone who likes to root their handset and install ROMs and/or different themes, get the Nexus One. It has the most developer support and most of the major ROMs drop for the Nexus One first. Plus it's nice to have a Nexus One, your not gonna see that many others with one. Since the Nexus S doesn't have an SD slot it could possibly get annoying that wiping data means all your media disappears too.

I'm assuming you have T-Mobile if you are thinking about either Nexus, so I will add that the G2 is also a good choice because it has stock Android and gets good developer support. Plus it has a keyboard. Basically it's a Nexus One with a keyboard and better graphics processing.

Edit: After reading your post about CyanogenMod, I further stand by getting the Nexus One or the G2 over the Nexus S. My Nexus One running CyanogenMod nightlies is a match made in heaven.
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SGS Vibrant owner here and I love it. Currently, I'm rooted and running Axura 2.0.5 (was on 2.1, but I can't get my CWM flashable .zips and MetaMorphs to play nicely on it, so I reverted back to a Nandroid backup I had laying around).

I'll echo everything said about the Nexus S. What were they thinking?!? With a few small exceptions, it's essentially a Galaxy S phone...albeit with Gingerbread and no manufacturer and carrier bloatware/meddling...and timely updates.

Any desire for a dual core CPU powered phone? Who knows what the new year will bring...
Even though I'm happy with my HTC Hero, I would recommend against choosing one for a replacement. A lot of intermittent lag with this phone. You probably already know that, just a heads up to anyone else interested in one.
Another little tidbit about the Nexus S. It may or may not run at 3G speeds on non-T-Mobile networks. Food for thought for those considering an unlocked unit.

And for those on T-Mobile? It's not even HSPA+!
I have Sprint Epic 4G (Samsung Galaxy S with keyboard) and love it. Screen is beatiful, keyboard is great (I am not a big fan of screen keyboards) and it is fast. Running Froyo beta on it right now and loving it.
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