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An "Impossible" Chinese and a Swede

My latest restores, A Gold Dollar 300 and an Gustafsson. Not as good as they could have been, but enough to let me shave! Wish I hade a better place to work than the kitchen sink and hand tools..

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I really like the Gustafsson. I hear you about work space I'm doing it in a 27' travel trailer and a picnic table. But I think it make me appreciate it that much more.
Honed up the Gustafsson today and had a shave above my expectations. It took an nice edge with minimal effort - not screaming sharp, but morre than enough. Easy to handle with a pleasant smile.
This one is going into my rotation for sure.

We all know that honing i Gold Dollar is useless, so I probably just put that one on the wall ;)
We all know that honing a Gold Dollar is useless, so I probably just put that one on the wall ;)

Well you can't say that here on B&B - guys here love their G-Dollars!! I will say this though - if you did that with hand tools on top of the sink - when you get some space lol...
Well you can't say that here on B&B - guys here love their G-Dollars!! I will say this though - if you did that with hand tools on top of the sink - when you get some space lol...

I was being ironic - my the GD300 might not be my favorite straight - i reserve that spot for my swedish ones, but it sure has a spot in my rotation and It actually didn't give me any trouble when honing it. Only thing I could not stand was the scales which were too floppy IMHO.
I was being ironic - my the GD300 might not be my favorite straight - i reserve that spot for my swedish ones, but it sure has a spot in my rotation and It actually didn't give me any trouble when honing it. Only thing I could not stand was the scales which were too floppy IMHO.

I like my Swedes too! Living in Hong Kong I wonder - are Gold Dollars there a dollar lol?! : )
I like my Swedes too! Living in Hong Kong I wonder - are Gold Dollars there a dollar lol?! : )

Unfortunately not! I don´t remember what I paid now, but I bought from a dealer in China and had to have it delivered to Friands in another Chinese city when I was visiting them. Seems they don't ship sharp objects over the border (but I had razors and knives sent to me from Sweden, Taiwan, US etc without problems...)
Buying GD in small amounts seem to be no cheaper than some of the ebay deals I read about on this site - guess the seller cross the border by himself and buy somewhere in China..
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