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An alternative to TOBS Eton College?

Crown Aftershave Tonic is my winter splash while Proraso and TOBS Eton College are my warm weather stuff.
I'm getting tired of the Eton College, though. Could anyone suggest something else along the similar citrus-like aftershaves to replace it?
D.R. Harris Arlington and James Bronnley just to name a few and I'm sure there's gonna be more suggestions to follow.
You could also consider 4711.
It is an really affordable citrus-y alternative. Especially if you purchase the 800 mL bottle (yikes!). The cons: it doesn't last very long.
Big fan of the Crown tonic too.

I love a little menthol in warmer weather so maybe Arlington splash or Stirling MITA splash. If youre not a menthol fan then maybe lucky tiger.

I also second the XXX and SOZ splash recommendation. Those are wonderful.
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