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Amazelnut - Barrister and Mann

In addition to releasing Vespers, Will has also released Amazelnut as a seasonal scent.

Link to Soap Page

Oddly, I haven't seen any writeups or reviews on it yet. Has anyone around here gotten there hands on a tub? If so, what are your impressions? I know the Omnibus base is incredible - really just curious about the scent.
Saw it over the weekend, I thought somebody asked about it...
might be one of those classics redone in Omnibus, that seems to be his MO right now.
Dang it, I should have never looked at this thread as I love hazelnuts. Good thing I'm not completely sold on Omnibus yet. I suppose it's only a matter of time before I'm won over.
Amazelnut was a limited soft heart release last January. I think it was pretty limited as you don't hear too much about it. Really not into smelling like a jar of Nutella so i've passed on it. Though, my order or Vespers from Black Friday hasn't even shipped yet- not sure whats up with that. I'll probably ping B&M tomorrow about it. They're usually quick about shipping.
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