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Advice on Variety

Thanks for the input, guys.

In addition to a couple of Floid Blue 'replacements' I'm looking at, I'm also interested in, based mostly on this conversation, the new Floid, Fine (not sure which flavor yet), and RazoRock.

It sounds like a lot of you like Crown Shaving Co as well. Are you guys talking about their aftershave tonic? It looks like they have another aftershave that is witch hazel based.


More Deep Thoughts than Jack Handy
Thanks for the input, guys.

In addition to a couple of Floid Blue 'replacements' I'm looking at, I'm also interested in, based mostly on this conversation, the new Floid, Fine (not sure which flavor yet), and RazoRock.

It sounds like a lot of you like Crown Shaving Co as well. Are you guys talking about their aftershave tonic? It looks like they have another aftershave that is witch hazel based.

I have the aftershave tonic.

Crown Shaving Co. After Shave Tonic - https://www.fendrihan.com/products/crown-shaving-co-after-shave-tonic?currency=USD&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiA47GNBhDrARIsAKfZ2rC75GrjSx3_353yXTNmNC7-a4w9x0NJL5a2JAuxeUv6X77W5JafEY0aAoidEALw_wcB
In addition to a couple of Floid Blue 'replacements' I'm looking at, I'm also interested in, based mostly on this conversation, the new Floid, Fine (not sure which flavor yet), and RazoRock.

I have never been a fan of Fine aftershaves. If you are looking for healing qualities then they might not be your best option. These aftershaves are composed of water, alcohol and fragrance...and that's it.

It sounds like a lot of you like Crown Shaving Co as well. Are you guys talking about their aftershave tonic? It looks like they have another aftershave that is witch hazel based.

Yeah, I use is the tonic -- the one in the link added by JCarr. The tonic also has witch hazel.
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