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adjustable razors

i quite like the idea of an adjustable razor but am not really sure whats out there, an ideas?

i know of the merkurs, quite like the look of the progress but dont like the futur or the progress.

are the fatboy and slim adjustables? does it matter when they were made? are some years better than others? did gillette make any other adjustables?

any other new or vintage adjustables?
There were others, but the easiest to acquire and use would be the Merkurs and Gillettes. I can't speak to the Futur vs. Progress, as I only have the progress. It opens wide, and I understand the Futur does too.
The Gillettes went through a profile head change in the early 60s. The fatboys have a higher profile, while the slims and super adjustables have a lower profile. This affects cutting angle, which is a matter of preference, not quality.
The Gillette Slim is probably the best of the vintage adjustables when price, performance, and quality are factored in - I have a modest collection, and prefer to use my Merkur adjustables for the day-to-day grind:biggrin1:


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I have a Futur, a Slim, and a Fat Boy.

The Futur gives me the best shaves. They are consistently smooth, close and long lasting shaves.
My experience with adjustable razors is limited to Gillette. The Fat Boy, Slim and Super adjustable. I enjoy them all with perhaps a slight edge to the Slim.

Enjoy your shaves,

I've actually grown to prefer my Merkur 23c or 38 blue. For adjustables, I have a fatboy, slim, and super adj, and they all do good, but for the most part I used them set sorta in neutral. But it was nice that I could determine if I wanted more or less blade to face. I don't think it matters the date of manufacture for the adjustables. It's a me or you thing as to what you're looking for I think. Have no exp with Merkur adj though. Enjoy!
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Whatever you get, be sure to pay attention. I just got a Fatboy, and while on my second shave with it, and thinking how great it was, I gave myself the biggest gash ever in 40+ years of shaving. Strictly operator error - I let myself get distracted. I was near the end of the shave, so I stopped to staunch the profuse flow of blood coming from my chin. The alum block and some pressure did a good job after a minute or two. I plan to go back and shave with it again tomorrow - can't let it know I'm afraid. :sad:

My two Gillette adjustables scored from ebay this last weekend.

I've shaved with both. I like the slim a little more. I think they are pretty cool looking. It really makes a difference to make sure the bottom knob is really tight. Love how the grooves on the handle line up when it's fully torqued. For me 4 is as open as I'd care to go for now. I am somewhat technology challenged and these are the first images I've posted to a forum from photobucket, so hope it works out. I've only used Derby so far, and I am thinking a sharper blade is needed. Is there a blade that really excels in Gillette adjustables?
thanks guys, some great razors in this thread. have just bought a slim on ebay for $17, no box, but i do want to use it rather than collect it
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