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Adding glycerin to Osage Rub?

Guys..I really love Osage Rub. The menthol kick is of course amazing, and I even (gasp!) love the smell! :w00t: However, as we all know, it does little for conditioning the face after a shave (save for the alcohol).

So I want to add some glycerin to the bottle. How much would you recommend adding? I've seen posts where people say to add a drop or two per ounce to their aftershaves, and I've also seen posts where people add a drop or two to each APPLICATION. Big difference there. What's the general consensus?

Also, are there any other ingredients I could add in addition to the glycerin that would be beneficial to the skin and supercharge the Rub?

If you have a scale weight your Osage Rub. Start by adding .5 - 1% glycerin and work up from there if needed. It is better to add a little as you can always add more. Glycerin can become very sticky if too much is used. You still get the great benefits of the glycerin if it is a bit tacky but most do not like the feeling, especially on the face.
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