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Added a new razor to my (poor) collection

Last Friday I was browsing a dutch market website. Noticed the ERN 9 15/16 and did a bid on it. Also emailed the owner how long his ad would be up. He quickly replied with about a week or so.
So gace him a direct offer of 30 euros to seal the deal. He said he was not really "seduced" yet by the offer. So I replied with: What if I threw a Big Mac in with it? The owner is healthy and did not went to the McD for a long while, counter offered with 35 euros including shipment. He did mentioned it was shave ready, HHT-3 using chosera and coticule. A seller who mentioned that, must know what he is doing, also told me he is more active on AS website. Saturday I received it. Today I tried it out.

I stropped the razor first. Lathered up some proraso green soap. Shave was good, I like the big blade, can shave almost half my face with it, before rinsing. A small nick, nothing cold water couldn't fix. I am pleased with the deal. Mybe in future I would like to have it rescaled. Bone scales or more heavy wooden scales would bring it a bit more in balance.

And the pics of course:
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