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A tale of two Yi Xing


Two Chinese "miniature" Yi Xing pots forund, in unused condition, at a fleamarket
The darker one on the right seems to be of a rather good quality (dark Zisha, tight fitting lid, filter in spout)
The lighter one seems to be slightly more average in quality (lighter more uneven Zisha, slightly ratteling lid, no filter in spout)


Just to show the scale of the two pots; here they are together with an average matchbox



The darker of the two pots is only stamped in the bottom
The lighter of the two pots is stamped in both the bottom and the lid
If anyone has any information regarding the stamps it would be much appriciated


The two pots awaiting to be "spiced"
The darker with loose leaf raw puerh
The lighter with high quality Tie Guan Yin oolong


The two pots filled with tea and soaked in boiling water in order to remove any "storeage" taste and prepare them for use


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beautiful score :thumbup: very nice looking pots!

The lighter one seems more porous than the darker one. I would personally have switched the teas around. Light oolongs in the denser pot and shengs in the lighter more breathing pot. Thats just me though im no expert, just my personal thoughts.
Thanks :001_smile

Indeed; ideally the darker one should have been for the oolong and the lighter for puerh.
But since the darker one is fitted with a filter in the spout and the lighter one isn't - and because the lighter is slightly larger giving the larger oolong leaves more room to expand, I decided against common practice.
I have tried brewing puerh in a pot without a filter in the spout an the spout constantly got clogged - that is not nearly as big a problem with large oolong leaves.
If I had bought the pots from a store I would have chosen both pots with a filter in the spout and a darker pot that was slightly larger than this one. But since I paid D.Kr. 20 (approx. USD 3.25) each for these pots I am willing to compromise in order to make them work for me :biggrin1:


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I have debated quite a lot with myself whether to use these two pots or just keep them as decoration. But having seen tiny pots like these used for Gong Fu ceremonies I decided to give them a go.


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I have debated quite a lot with myself whether to use these two pots or just keep them as decoration. But having seen tiny pots like these used for Gong Fu ceremonies I decided to give them a go.



I have been on the lookout for pots exactly like these in this size. They are my favorite style. No filter and a slightly ill-fitting lid could mean an older pot, in which case, might be of better quality clay. http://teadrunk.org is a great resource filled with yixing experts who could help you out quite a bit, and even translate the stamps which are referred to as chops.
I was told the same thing on Flickr. I guess I still have much to learn abot Yi Xing :001_smile


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I have just recieved some response on the stamps/chops. Both pots bear diffrent versions of the same chop: 中國宜興 "Yi Xing China". Unfortnally it is the most generic chop in existence; now mostly used by state-owned factories, but earlier it was also commonly used by private factories and craftsmen - today it is also used by forgers wishing to make their pots seem older than they are.

Apparently, due the rising popularity of Yi Xing pots (both in China and among forigen collectors and teadrinkers) private factories and craftsmen are now using individual chops to a much higher degree than before.



I have debated quite a lot with myself whether to use these two pots or just keep them as decoration. But having seen tiny pots like these used for Gong Fu ceremonies I decided to give them a go.



I'm glad you've decided to use them as it'll bring you more enjoy and satisfaction brewing with. These pots are not uniquely uncommon so making use of them seems realistic. Have fun brewing up! :thumbup1:
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